Advocating for visibility, support, and political and legislative change for all injured workers across Australia.
Injured Workers Day is a new movement that seeks concrete change. Developed in early 2020 by Australian injured workers with the support of trade unions and other organisations, we want to create a platform for visibility and solidarity for all injured workers. We are seeking changes to workplace legislation, and want to secure political commitments for change. We are aiming to create recognition for families, spouses and children of injured workers, who in many instances become primary care givers and share in the associated psychological trauma, which can be further exacerbated by financial hardship that results from long term incapacity.
Occupational violence, including gendered occupational violence, is increasing in prevalence in Australia (ABS, 2018). 3 in 5 people experience work-related psychological illnesses or injuries as a result of their employer or occupational violence in the form of abuse, threats, bullying and harassment at work by clients, the public and/or co-workers.
Research completed by WorkSafe Australia has shown that the largest category of psychological stress claims relate to occupation violence, harassment and/or bullying at work, with female workers making claims of harassment and/or bulling almost treble that of male workers.
In the interim report of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System released in November 2019, trauma is described as ‘an acute event, or chronic series of events, or a set of circumstances that overwhelm an individual’s resources to cope’. That among other causations, trauma can result from physical, emotional or sexual abuse or injury and that the close relationship between trauma, poor mental health and mental illness, has necessitated increasing recognition of the need for trauma-informed mental health treatment, care and support.
With this in mind, our movement hopes to identify and clarify the specific issues affecting injured workers and develop recommendations, which will inform collaborative, trauma-informed processes to humanise and create more effective WorkSafe and WorkCover provisions and structures for injured workers in the future.
Thanks to our founding partners who provide support to Injured Workers. Keep an eye out for their involvement in Injured Workers Day 2021.
Does your organisation care about injured workers? Become a partner today and help support injured workers across Australia.


Thanks to our supporter employers who have provided their support to injured workers.
Does your organisation care about injured workers? Become a supporter today and help support injured workers across Australia.